Below you will find a Video instruction set, as well as a step by step Written instruction set. They are both the same, depending on which you prefer to use. The slideshow requires some technical image editing skills. If you are not familiar with any image editing software, it may be easier to just request that you website designer help you with your slideshow.
To add/edit slideshow images is simple.
1. Resize/crop your images so they are the same dimensions as your slideshow. To find out what dimesion your slideshow images are, right click and save one of the slides. Then right click on it and select properties.
2. Once you have resized your images, log into your admin portal and go to the Article Manager. Click on NEW at the top.
3. Click the Edit/Insert Image icon on the editor's toolbar ( to open the Image Manager.
4. Click on the Slideshow folder. Here you should see the existing images.
5. Click the Upload icon and then just drag all of the new images into the window as instructions.
6. Click the Upload button and wait for it to complete. When it's done close out all the windows.
7. Go back to your website and refresh it to see the changes.